SHL at UIA World Congress of Architects 2023


Officially named the UNESCO World Capital of Architecture 2023, this year the City of Copenhagen is hosting the World Congress of Architects July 2-6. 

Our "Feed-Back" concept is part of the UIA's SDG Pavilions around the city centre which will be at display during the World Congress of Architects. 

Schmidt Hammer Lassen will both be participating in and hosting a series of talks and events throughout the week of the congress, and we invite you to join us in conversations revolving around transformation, urbanism and food systems.

Sustainable Transformations of Architecture: How do We Embrace the Beauty of Ugly

When: Monday, July 3rd
Time: 15:45 - 17:00
Where: C1M0, Bella Center

New sustainability standards call for a new aesthetic. Or do they? Join us, as we take a deeper look at architectural value and discuss what’s worth preserving and transforming. 

Find the full session description here.

Next Gen: Dialogues on Urban Change 2

When: Tuesday, July 4th
Time: 12:45 - 13:15
Where: Next Stage Gen, Hall E, Bella Center

How do we get accustomed to discomfort, as we start sharing more and consuming less space?

Do we have to adapt to discomfort while embracing a culture of sharing and reduced personal space consumption? Or can we shift that image of discomfort to be something desirable? Psychological and behavioral adjustments are required as we transition towards a more sustainable and communal living environment. So how can we cultivate resilience, fostering a sense of collective responsibility, and embracing the inherent benefits of shared resources, that gradually acclimate our societies to living with less space.

Find the full session description here

New Solutions: Neighbourhoods for Generations

When: Wednesday, July 5th
Time: 13:15 - 14:45
Where: C1M1, Bella Center 

Birth rates are diminishing while the elderly population is growing. This new challenge will affect a lot of different sectors including housing markets, and we need to ask ourselves: How are we going to live together in the near future?

In the international ideas competition ‘Neighbourhoods for Generations’ participants with a wide range of professional backgrounds submitted ideas and solutions trying to answer this question.

Find the full session description here.

Complimentary series of events during the UIA at BLOXHUB

Workshop: The Food Future Game 
SHL x Roskilde Festival

When: Thursday, July 6th
Time: 12:30 - 15:30 
Where: BLOXHUB Forum (3rd floor), Bryghuspladsen 10, 1473 Copenhagen K

Schmidt Hammer Lassen has developed a collective design methodology to translate diverse challenges into tangible solutions. This workshop will allow participants to share their challenges and experiences and work towards inventing solutions they can implement locally.

Participants form groups to co-create an open-source deck of knowledge cards as an idea bank and resource for imagining the potential of urban food systems. The cards will be developed on the spot with a customized phone app and presented in real-time at the event.

This workshop is a cooperation between BLOXHUB, Roskilde Festival & Schmidt Hammer Lassen.

Sign up here.

Roundtable Talk: FEED-BACK
SHL x Roskilde Festival

When: Thursday, July 6th
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
Where: BLOXHUB Forum (3rd floor), Bryghuspladsen 10, 1473 Copenhagen K

The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed’ 

By looking at existing cultures and methods of producing food that could point to an alternative future, Schmidt Hammer Lassen explores the potential of re-wiring our cities through hacktivism: the practice of stitching together new systems of self-sufficiency with the tools and technologies at hand. This talk unveils recent research and case studies from worldwide to to explore the possibilities of urban food systems in the built environment to reduce waste and create holistic solutions for healthy urbanism.

Sign up here.

Publication Launch Party: The Hacktivist Guide to Food Security
SHL x Roskilde Festival

When: Thursday, July 6th
Time: 18:00 - 22:00
Where: BLOXHUB terrace (3rd floor), Bryghuspladsen 10, 1473 Copenhagen K

Join us as we celebrate the launch of "The Hacktivist Guide to Food Security," a publication that delves into the intersection of architecture, urban design, and the food system. This guide aims to demystify and compare innovative approaches to food systems, shedding light on their environmental, economic, and social foundations. Be part of this momentous occasion and explore the transformative potential of food security through the lens of hacktivism!

Sign up here.

Check out a sneak peak of the publication in its complimentary micro-site here.